

For years I’ve struggled to find extra-curricular activities that are welcoming and inclusive of children who are neurodiverse or differently-abled. Since the age of 3, my son Javier had already being turned away from daycares, summer camps and school sponsored child-care programs because of his needs and different behaviors. It was disheartening, to say the least. When children have Autism or other developmental disabilities, physical activity is frequently advised for overall mental health, coordination and the building of fine and gross motor skills. Parents like me who are single and work full time do not always have the means or the time to go to private therapy outside of what’s provided at school. So to find that many of the convenient school programs were usually non-inclusive, was heartbreaking.

When I found out from a colleague about ODS and Coach Sarah’s story, I couldn’t wait to meet her. I remember thinking how much I wished there was a specific program for children with disabilities, who could play on a team, not cost a fortune, and provide inspiration and support to parents and caregivers. Well, my prayers were answered. Not only did Coach Sarah make this organization a reality, but provides this experience FREE to any child who wants to participate. There is a deep disparity in Montgomery County for children with disabilities but I have seen Coach Sarah and ODS work to bridge this gap with this inspiring program.

Seeing your child cry when they start to realize the harsh realities of the world is incredibly tough and I don’t wish this on anyone. I was able to enroll Javier in the ODS Game Day program and he was elated! Not only did he get to play on a real team, but he also received real uniforms! I definitely teared up during that first game seeing how joyful Javi was. Most importantly, Javi found a community of peers and supporters cheering him on. It brings tears to my eyes writing this, and it's hard to articulate how impactful ODS has been for Javier, and all the students I have seen participate in the program. Coach Sarah and ODS are the change I’ve always wished for! Thank you for making Javier’s dreams come true.

-Vanesa Cox-Tristani, Javi's mom