

Our son Juan was born with a genetic overgrowth syndrome. Since the time he was little, he was clumsy when walking and had poor balance because he grew faster than expected. He always liked sports but couldn't stay in any of them; he didn't understand the rules of the game nor did he have enough skills to participate successfully. He also didn't have friends; inclusion was difficult because he didn't share the interests of the other children.

Two years ago, I found out about Open Doors Sports (ODS) and immediately registered Juan. Since that day, Juan has been able to participate in their soccer, basketball, and baseball programs.

In all of these instances, Juan was included, was happy and even began to acquire skills in each of the sports.

The dedication of the peer buddies as well as the technical expertise and generous human quality of Coach Sarah make each experience unforgettable.

As a mother, I am very grateful for the opportunity that ODS has given my son as well as many other children. As I already established, my son is VERY HAPPY and has had a great sense of belonging to each of the groups.

- Nadia Rauschert and Diego Alvares, Juan's parents