ODS to Participate in 2019 DoMore24 Campaign
Written by: Sarah Albus Posted on: April 29, 2019 Blog: News

Open Door Sports is asking for the support of our community during the 24 hour long DoMore24 Campaign that begins on May 22 at 12noon. DoMore24 is a fundraising campaign run by the United Way of the National Capital Area, with the goal of Reclaiming Kindness in the DC region.
Many families know all too well the higher financial burden that raising children with special needs involved and is hoping to surprise ODS families by covering the cost of participation this summer. ODS has set the goal of raising $1,500 to give 20 spectacular children with special needs the gift of Free Summer Soccer and Bocce!
$75 is all it takes to provide one child with disabilities the opportunity to experience the joy of team sports in an adaptive and supportive environment!
Donations can be made through our page at: https://www.domore24.org/opendoorsports